Time Frame:
Sept 2018
Shell Employee Benefit Budgeting Design
Problem Background / Scope Definition: Shell Oil requested a new feature within the existing Mobile Employee Experience App (MEE) to assist employees with the selection and budgeting of ongoing benefits. Shell Oil
“The main focus is on budgeting—Employee says “I want $10k in travel benefits” and we want to indicate to the employee within the MEE that they have a budget of X, they’ve used Y and have Z remaining.”
Sprint User Goal:
“As an employee I can easily see where I stand vs myestablished budget balances so I can make informed benefit decisions.”
Design Sprint Team:
Sprint Facilitator, Product Owner, UX/UI Designer, two Business Analysts, Product Manager
Rationale for Design Solutions:
After testing various ways to present the re-occurring benefit choices in a ‘mobile-first’ user test, we used a series of screens that offer per-benefit choices that the user can move through. The user sees her real-time update of benefit package choices as those choices are made. The user can tweak benefits to achieve her desired benefit within the company’s standard-of-care package.
Design Sprint Facilitator, Prototype Creation, User Testing Facilitator, Final Prototype, Design Annotation.
Design Process:
Epic Map Creation, Stakeholder Interviews / HMWs, Lightening Demos, 4-step Sketches, Solution Sketches, User Script and Prototype creation, User Testing, Iteration, User Testing, Final Prototype, Design Annotation, Design Retro.
Process Flow Map

Solution Sketches

Selected App Screens